Statistical Software Spss

Dive deeper into SPSS Statistics for more efficient, accurate, and sophisticated data analysis and visualization. SPSS Statistics for Data Analysis and Visualization. SPSS spss. exe. Statistical Product and Service Solutions, IBM SPSS Statistics Base Desktop 21. NCSS is a statistics package produced and distributed by NCSS, LLC. Created in 1981 by Jerry L. Hintze, NCSS, LLC specializes in providing statistical analysis. Overview. IBM SPSS Statistics is software for managing data and calculating a wide variety of statistics. This document is intended for students taking classes that. SPSS About SPSS Inc. Background. Two themes have dominated the evolution of SPSS Inc. Written and illustrated tutorials for the statistical software SPSS. Variable definitions include a variables name, type, label, formatting, role, and other attributes. Predictive analytics software priced and packaged for students. IBM SPSS Student GradPack is a singleuser license that provides affordable access to statistical. SPSS Statistics is a software package used for logical batched and nonbatched statistical analysis. Long produced by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 2009. This online SPSS Training Workshop is developed by Dr Carl Lee, Dr Felix Famoye, student assistants Barbara Shelden and Albert Brown, Department of Mathematics. The site provides an introduction to understand the basics of and working with the Excel for performing basic statistical computation and its output managerial. The IBM SPSS Statistics Base Edition Grad Pack doesnt contain any additional SPSS modulesaddons and is suitable only for basic statistical analysis. SPSS technology has made difficult analytical tasks easier through advances in usability and data access, enabling more people to benefit from the use of quantitative techniques in making decisions and. The companys domain expertise has centered on analyzing data about people their opinions, attitudes, and behavior. The Companys mission to drive the widespread use of data in decision making derives directly from these two themes. The companys success has been based upon its ability to demonstrate the very real benefits that the use of SPSS technology provides. Underlying this ability is the collective conviction that analyzing data, and incorporating the results into the decision making process, leads to better decisions. The origins of SPSSIn 1. Norman H. Nie, C. Hadlai Tex Hull and Dale H. Bent, three young men from disparate professional backgrounds, developed a software system based on the idea of using statistics to turn raw data into information essential to decision making. These three innovators were pioneers in their field, visionaries who recognized early that data and how you analyze it is the driving force behind sound decision makingthe DNA of intelligence. This revolutionary statistical software system was called SPSS, which stood for the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Nie, Hull and Bent developed SPSS out of the need to quickly analyze volumes of social science data gathered through various methods of research. The initial work on SPSS was done at Stanford University with the intention to make it available only for local consumption and not international distribution. Nie, a social scientist and Stanford doctoral candidate, represented the target audience and set the requirements Bent, a Stanford University doctoral candidate in operations research, had the analysis expertise and designed the SPSS system file structure and Hull, who had recently graduated from Stanford with a master of business administration degree, programmed. As is typical of creations born of necessity, SPSS quickly caught on at universities throughout America and was soon in demand. It also became apparent to the developers of SPSS that they had more on their hands than an effective, efficient method of analyzing data they had a viable product. In addition to their academic work, they now needed to consider pricing, shipping and other issues of commerce. They made sure that tapes of source code were sent to a small, but enthusiastic, user community, and continually maintained and enhanced SPSS. After graduate school in 1. Nie joined the University of Chicagos National Opinion Research Center. The University of Chicago considered SPSS an important intellectual property and encouraged Nies continuing development of the software system. Nie was successful in recruiting Hull to join him at the University of Chicago by encouraging him to take a position as the head of the universitys Computation Center. Bent, a Canadian, decided not to join Nie and Hull in Chicago, and returned to Canada where he had an academic appointment at the University of Alberta. With Nie and Hull juggling both their academic and SPSS responsibilities, they continued to work diligently spreading the word and market appeal of SPSS. The early success of SPSS was directly related to the quality and availability of the documentation that accompanied the software. Mc. Graw Hill published the first SPSS users manual in 1. Once the manual was available in college bookstores, demand for the program took off. Nie, Bent, and Hull received a royalty from sales of the manual but nothing from distribution of the program. In Nies words, It was like Gillette selling razors at cost and getting its profits from the blades. With the sales of SPSS growing rapidly, the IRS determined in 1. SPSS was a small software company, which threatened the non profit status of the University of Chicago within which SPSS had been housed. In 1. 97. 5, SPSS incorporated and the two founders, Nie and Hull, neither of whom ever dreamed of running their own business, became the new companys executives. In spite of having no venture capital or financial backing, these two entrepreneurs secured for SPSS universal control of the academic marketplace due to the fact that SPSS was, and is, a portable code that enabled academic institutions to port it to most of the large mainframe computer systems, which included Control Data 6. Burroughs large systems, Univac 1. GE subsequently Honeywell large systems, Digital Equipment Corporation DEC large systems. SPSS also quickly became useful to the government and commercial markets. NASA began using SPSS for mean time between part failure on the space shuttle in the mid 1. National Forest Service used the software for incidences of injuries and bear encounters throughout the national parks system. Consumer products companies like Procter Gamble and Anheuser Busch also realized the value of SPSS in analyzing marketing research data. Another factor contributing to the growth of the Company in the 1. Nies, Hulls and their employees effectiveness in understanding their customer base and staying ahead of the technology curve. In the mid 1. 98. The organization was first again in 1. Microsoft Windows personal computer operating system. SPSS Inc. s reputation for thought leadership and innovators continued to grow with the onset of the Internet and the dawn of the Information Economy. In 1. 99. 2, Nie felt that it was time to turn over the day to day management of the Company to new leadership. Jack Noonan was appointed SPSS Inc. Nie continued as chairman of the board. Hull remained on the development side of the business where he is still currently involved in the development of SPSS and other key technologies. Many of the original employees of the company still remain employees of SPSS Inc. Under Noonans leadership SPSS Inc. The Company strengthened its leadership in the analytical marketplace through acquisitions that expanded the depth and breadth of its analytical offerings. Acquisitions included the addition of technologies such as data mining, a business intelligence suite for the IBM e. Server i. Series, Web analytics, sophisticated analytical components, a Web interface for online analytical processing OLAP technology and text mining. These technologies were introduced by SPSS Inc. Qui Arrive Ce Soir Activities For Seniors. Over its thirty seven year history, SPSS Inc. While customers and their industries vary, they share a common need to gather insight from the analysis of data. The Companys analytical technology from its early beginnings has enabled organizations to learn from the past, understand what is happening today and anticipate the future in order to manage it effectively. Company Timeline. There have been five stages of growth in the institutional history of SPSS 1. SPSS becomes a product, when the technology was first developed and grew on its own as an academic enterprise. SPSS founders, Norman H. Nie, C. Hadlai Tex Hull and Dale H. Bent, distribute tapes of source code to a small, but enthusiastic, user community, while maintenance and enhancement was done by the original authors.